Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Graham at 8 months: Lots of Outside Fun!

Graham's 8-9 month stretch had him trying a lot of stuff outside the house for the first time. He's so good, you guys should really be jealous.

Mom took him on a horse for the first time. So far in his life, he's been on a horse more than his Dad ;).

Graham and Shirley are best friends. They are really funny together. Shirley plays the role of an attention-starved orphan, and Graham fills the void by pulling on her skin and jowels. He seems to gravitate toward her eye-holes, but Shirley doesn't mind. Every time they wrestle together, Graham learns a little more about what's cool to do to a dog, and Shirley learns not to use Graham's drool hole as a food source. They're really sweet like candy, the last couple weeks took G from hammering on Shirley's head to gently petting her and yanking on the aforementioned body parts.

We have so many pictures of Graham, here's a link to the full set for the aforementioned month: LINK

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