Thursday, July 31, 2008

More from the Bulldog

The dog is gonna get you.

Click the pic to make it bigger. And make sure there aren't any cats in view of your screen 'cause he'll go crazy!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Nine Month - Best One Yet!

It takes a lot to be my best boy, but Killer G outdoes himself daily. Things are really starting to come together for the little buster. This month brought an onslaught of tricks. He has the wave down. He claps. He can almost crawl. He gives high-fives, in quantities of 5. To say he's a joy is an understatement of biblical proportion. Every day is a laugh riot, I love this little buddy.

We spent July 4 weekend with the Nuxall/Pierce crew in Long Beach, WA. For those unfamiliar, it's a terrific little beach town right on the WA/OR coast. Lots to do for parents and kids alike. To add to Killer G's equestrian clout, we rode the local whirly-gig.

Long Beach, WA is home to planet Earth's largest frying pan. This is the first in a hopefully-life-long series of pictures of Graham growing next to the monstrous piece of cookware.

It's big, even I look like a flea next to it. Mom made Graham sit on a plastic bag because it was drizzling. We're classy like that.

You know, sometimes when I'm at work getting yelled at by people I wouldn't otherwise greet, I feel really bad for how much Mom and Graham miss me. Here's a picture of them suffering in the park across the street from our house. Look how sad Mom looks! I wish I could jump into this photo and dry her weepin' eyes.

West Seattle School District better put 2 more desks in the detention rooms. Here's Zane and Graham holding it down.

Last, and far from least, is the only photographic evidence so far of the "Bulldog Face". This started off as a natural reaction to whatever makes a little giant baby whimper (empty plate, boring toys, etc), but it's turned into my favorite thing ever. When he really wants to make me laugh, he gets my attention by crunching his face up and breathing real hard out his nose. Then I return with piggy snorts and he busts up laughing. Graham's cousin Libby did this when she was young, too, so maybe it's an Acquavella thing.

Here's a link of all Graham's pictures from last month: LINK

Graham at 8 months: Lots of Outside Fun!

Graham's 8-9 month stretch had him trying a lot of stuff outside the house for the first time. He's so good, you guys should really be jealous.

Mom took him on a horse for the first time. So far in his life, he's been on a horse more than his Dad ;).

Graham and Shirley are best friends. They are really funny together. Shirley plays the role of an attention-starved orphan, and Graham fills the void by pulling on her skin and jowels. He seems to gravitate toward her eye-holes, but Shirley doesn't mind. Every time they wrestle together, Graham learns a little more about what's cool to do to a dog, and Shirley learns not to use Graham's drool hole as a food source. They're really sweet like candy, the last couple weeks took G from hammering on Shirley's head to gently petting her and yanking on the aforementioned body parts.

We have so many pictures of Graham, here's a link to the full set for the aforementioned month: LINK

Monday, July 28, 2008


After posting the original "Graham Giggles" youtube video below, I stumbled upon another baby named Graham laughing at his dad. What's funny is that his dad looks a little too much for me than I'd like.

Weird, no? If the baby looked more like Killer G, I'd try to mess with your minds, but this kid is too skinny to be Mr. Eightieth Percentile. Plus, if I owned a couch like that I'd always shoot my family videos in the kitchen. Ooooooh!

Graham Giggles!

First post! Oldie but goodie: